Gastrointestinal dysmotility relates to a spectrum of disorders where there is disruption to the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract. It has been found that the Quality of life (QOL) and psychological wellbeing of those diagnosed is impacted due to the management of symptoms and treatment. A recent study reported that there is an increasing awareness of the psychological of GID with clinical psychologists becoming an integrated part of the multidisciplinary care for the patients.
The study aims to assess the effectiveness, along with the feasibility and acceptability, of a psychological intervention delivered in an online group format by a qualified clinical psychologist on psychological, QO, and medical outcomes when compared to those receiving treatment as usual. The intervention would be based on a therapy called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) that works on the principle that rather than try to eliminate of modify negative feelings or thoughts it encourages individuals to accept that adverse experiences exist whilst simultaneously fostering a commitment to move toward values that have been identified and adopted by the individual. This will be the first study to assess whether a group psychological intervention is effective for those diagnosed with GID.
The study will be led by Dr Katherine Twist, Clinical Psychologist, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust. Those who are invited and consent to take part in the intervention will be offered a psychological group intervention that will be carried out in an online format over a period of 8 weeks with each session lasting approximately 90 minutes. The project is being funded by PORT at a cost of £49, 994.20.