
Our Trustee from the North Kilian and his wife Lindsey Fitzsimmons-Wilson hosted a Black Tie Ball at Blackburn Rovers Football Club .

They were joined by family, friends and other trustees from up and down the country and raised a massive £16,200!!

They also organised a little surprise for Head Trustee Sonia Frost who was greeted at the event by the Eddie Stobart Truck that is named after her daughter Emily Jasmine Frost.

a BIG Thankyou to everyone that attended, and that bought raffle tickets and auction items on the night.

#supPORTthecause !!!!!!!


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A Big Thank you to Finley Fitzsimmons-Wilson, age 7 from Longridge (pictured right)

He took part in the Hero Assault Challenge, Preston alongside his Mummy Natalie and raised a massive £500 for PORT Charity

Finn completed this challenge especially for his older cousin Charlie Fitzsimmons-Wilson, Age 9 (pictured left) who suffers from Pseudo Obstruction.

Thanks for supPORTing PORT!!!

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