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A good year for PORT

Mar 7, 2018

1 min read




PORT Charity raised £60,073 in our last financial year (31st March 2017).

PORT funded £126,855 towards three projects.  This is an amazing achievement for such a small charity.

PORT funded a manometry device for use in colonic manometry on behalf of the gastro paediatric department at The Royal London Hospital. (Stewart Cleeve)

PORT has funded the EVASION research project looking at the effect of transcutaneous and physiological vagal nerve stimulation on symptoms and motility in patients with CIPO/Dysmotility. This project is on behalf of Prof Adam Farmer,  University College Hospital, North Midlands and Prof Qasim Aziz Barts and The Royal London Hospital.

The identification of CIPO subgroups with underlying connective tissue disorders and the assessment of GI Anatomy, motility and response to pharmacology in CIPO subjects using novel MRI techniques, Dr. Asma Fikree / Prof Qasim Aziz.

A great year for #TeamPORT.  Thanks everyone for all the support and fundraising efforts. Heres to another great year on our mission to help all that suffer!!

Mar 7, 2018

1 min read





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